Check out this job

Technical and Network Operations Engineer


  • Haarlem
  • Full-time job
  • MBO or relevant work experience

Company Description
Our client’s company is specialising in delivering network, large-scale IP services and capacity services worldwide. At the moment, they have one of the larger networks in the Netherlands and have heavily automated/optimized floor work, allowing them to manage everything themselves.

The company has a significantly large network (4.5Tb/s backbone) and currently has brunches with big data centers.

Role Description
We are seeking a Technical and Network Operations Engineer who will be responsible for mapping the entire network through a network report and making suggestions for improvements; managing the network and handling incidents.

It’s a full-time position with growth opportunities within the company. We would like to see the growth focus on the network side, ultimately bringing in an additional employee for the DC floor within a few years. This person will focus entirely on the network side and grow into a Sr. Global Network Architect. However, if the person has ambitions for a managerial position, there are possibilities for that in the future, with new employees falling under their responsibility. If (and only if) the person enjoys occasional work abroad, there are future opportunities to assist in setting up or maintaining foreign branches; we have future plans for additional branches in India, Switzerland, Singapore, and Germany.


  • Evaluate, manage, and optimize the network
  • Set up private peers based on company’s data
  • Monitor and troubleshoot core network infrastructure
  • Set up additional network POPs that may be strategically interesting
  • Debug and resolve network-related issues
  • Perform floor work such as racking, cabling, disk swapping, and installing operating systems (Linux/Windows)



  • 3 or more years of relevant work experience, including at least 1 year of working in data centers.
  • Experience with Juniper/Arista switches and routers
  • Deep knowledge of BGP, MPLS, EVPN, VPN, TCP/IP, etc.
  • Proficiency in DDOS protection & mitigation (including Wanguard knowledge)
  • Good oral and written communication skills (in English and/or Dutch)
  • Eligible to work in the Netherlands without the need for visa sponsorship
  • Accurate and alert, ambitious, independent, hands-on skills


What We Offer:

  • Full-time job, 40 hours per week
  • Competitive salary based on experience
  • Travel expenses compensation (public transport or personal car)
  • Laptop and telephone (with reimbursement when necessary)
  • 25 vacation days
  • 8.33% holiday pay
  • Pension plan through Stipp
  • €2,500 training budget per year
  • Only onsite working


Anna Boiarynova
+31 020 820 3018

Solliciteer op deze functie

Neem voor meer informatie over deze functie contact op met Raymond Steenvoorden via 020 820 3018

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